Oil-for-influence? "Greasing" palms...

Washington Post - Top Kremlin operatives...reaped millions of dollars in profits under the U.N. oil-for-food program...a Senate investigation has concluded. The allegations...are detailed in hundreds of pages of reports and documents made public last night by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in advance of a hearing tomorrow. The documents outline a trail of oil and money that leads directly from Iraq to the Kremlin and the former chief of staff to Russian President Vladimir Putin and former president Boris Yeltsin. The report said Iraq sought to influence and reward the Russian government because it sits on the powerful U.N. Security Council that oversaw sanctions against the Hussein government. Russia repeatedly sided with Iraq on issues before the Security Council...
So while President Bush took up his case with the U.N. Security Council, trying to get them to actually enforce their many resolutions, which obviously weren't worth the paper they were printed on...behind the scenes, the "fix" was already in. Over a year of attempting to get the U.N. to "put some teeth" into their so-called resolve, undermined by more corruption.
But when the "cowboy" went ahead and did what was needed to break the regime that had been gassing people, shooting at our planes, supporting terrorism, etc., he got accused of engaging in a unilateral and unauthorized war against a sovereign nation.
Yet there are still those who say we shouldn't have gone to war with Iraq; that bringing down the Taliban was the right thing to do, but that Saddam Hussein was just a petty tyrant, and only a problem for his own people.
Oh yeah, and maybe some of his neighbors, too.
Give me a break...
Not only that, now we have a guy with some Kahooneys that will get to the bottom of that crap as our ambassodor appointee, but they (who are they?) are afraid he is too mean and bullheaded.
Exactly what we need in there. A new Sherrif, but a hat and a badge on him and let him clean up Dodge!!
And still the demonrats profess their undying love for the UN. They say we are evil and that we "went it alone". I guess they just don't understand that sometimes a man has got to do what a man has got to do. I guess it is because they are not REAL men.....
kajun is really funny isn't he?
I want to sign up for the "Oil for Food Scam"... where do I go? I have some food, can I get oil deposits in Iraq? Here's hopin'.
kwl said:
Not only that, now we have a guy with some Kahooneys that will get to the bottom of that crap as our ambassodor appointee, but they (who are they?) are afraid he is too mean and bullheaded.
¿Cojones? ¡Sí! I wrote about him:
"There's a new sheriff in town..."
LebenFrei said:
Oil is excellent for moisturizing dry skin on the hands.
True, if it's the right type of oil.
Kajun News said:
"Greasing Palms" makes them more difficult to climb. This will create a shortage of coconut oil, Worldwide.
All the more reason to stop greasing palms...but the coconut oil would help LebenFrei's dry skin.
mindknumbed kid said:
And still the demonrats profess their undying love for the UN. They say we are evil and that we "went it alone".
Yes...someone should acquaint them with the facts, as outlined in the "unilateral" link in this post.
Hawkeye® said:
kajun is really funny isn't he?
I want to sign up for the "Oil for Food Scam"... where do I go?
Kajun has his moments, indeed.
As for where to sign up, apply at the U.N., before it's too late...if it isn't already.
(Although I hope it is...)
And, of course, they (all) discover it just now, only now. I think we are, all, been trapped since a long time ago. Not only about this mater. I think they say this kind of tings only when they can't hide it any more, just a second before the people discover it. I believe nothing no more.
I believe some skepticism is a healthy attitude, but not necessarily in conspiracy...of course, I don't rule that out completely either.
There are a lot of dirty dealings in the world, and will continue to be, as long as greed exists...
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