My brother Bill...

...has won the championship in his dragbike class for the second year he's competed in the American Drag Racing League.
He was (at least!) a 10 time National Champion in the American Motorcyclist Association racing division, but has basically moved on to the aforementioned American Drag Racing League.
I went to see him race this year, but I'm more of a doer than a watcher, so I don't go often; I am definitely proud of his success, however.
I've been meaning to write about him, but at least I finally got around to it. Better late than never, so "they" say....whomsoever "they" are.
I remember when we were too young to ride motorcycles, Bill used to always want to go as fast as he possibly could, pedaling for all he was worth down hills. As for me, I was generally content to let gravity take me down those same hills.
Anyway, he surely does go fast now.

Oh, and let's not forget Veterans Day...
Yeah team!
So what are your plans for today?
Congratulations, Camo :)
Congratulations to Bill! I love his you suppose he'd give me a ride on it?!?!?! Heh, heh...probably not. In my previous life, I had the "need for speed," too, so I can identify with your brother. ;-)
Too cool! That is going fast, indeed, on a bike!
Way cool. Congratulations Bill, way to go! He's a braver man than I!
"they" was the Dick Van Patten family for many years but I believe "they" handed over that the Wayans bros if I recall correctly (I could be wrong)
Give my congratulations to Bill! Not sure if he can compete there, (NHRA) but maybe some day I can see him at O'Reilly Raceway Park, , it will ALWAYS be IRP, (Indianapolis Raceway Park), to me though.
I HATE corporate sponsorship/name changes!
Way cool. Even I have never gone that fast (150+ mph Ford Cobra). I think my fast days have rapidly passed me by, which is fine.
I have but one question. That isn't a Harley is it. Four cylinder manifold and all, looks mighty like a Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki or a Yamaha-ha-ha.
Curios minds are just a wondering
Well now. I didn't even know you had a brother, and now I learn that he's as much a daredevil as you are yourself. It seems the Vose family is an adventursome breed, eh? Any other wild and crazy kin we should be aware of?
As for speed... 163.91 mph is pretty darn fast (in a car, let alone on a bike!). I did 200 kph (124.28 mph) on the Autobahn in Germany in a standard C-Class Mercedes rental car. I was reluctant to go faster because the car didn't seem to handle too well at that point.
Congrats to your brother, and best regards... (:D)
My plans were to sleep, just like every other work day for this third shifter. Mission accomplished!!! I don't get Veterans Day off, but if I wanted to drive back to the Military-Industrial Complex, they would've bought me lunch...along with all the other veterans who work there.
Very cool, huh? :-)
Bill will most likely read your congratulatory statement here, but on his behalf, thanks. I know he looks at my blog, although any comments have never been posted herein. ;-)
No provisions for passengers on those dragbikes. The "need for speed," yes, you could definitely say he has (always!) had that.
Yes, that's definitely going fast; faster than I'd ever want to ride, to be sure.
He's a braver (crazier?) man than I am as well.
Bill has competed in Indianapolis on a number of occasions. I've been there (once) when he did, in fact.
Ms RightWing:
His dragbikes are built around modified Suzuki engines. Everything else is pretty much purpose built.
My brother is much more wild and crazy than I am...
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