Yuo mihgt laern soemthnig...

Late (to me) breaking news:
(Tip o' the "-do rag" to Josh)
Relax. There is nothing wrong with your computer! Nor has this site been hacked. It's simply time to put this baby to bed. It's been a fun trip, but after 10,000 hits it's time to move on to other things.
That's right. In case anyone is still wondering, this is satire! (You nailed it, Hawkeye!) I am not a 21 year-old, dope-smoking, spellingly challenged, shallow, left-wing looney, Ivy League legacy brat. No, I'm a 45-year old father of two great daughters who has been a conservative since high school - before I could even vote! I'm a product of the Catholic School System where I received a conservative education. Thank God I wasn't subjected to public school. (Josh Fahrni, your parents are so right to home-school you!) I never tried weed, even non-inhaling. Oh, and yes I can spell!
Why start this blog? Well, back in 2004, I was surfing the net, reading various blogs. Running across some lefty blog, DU I think it was, I decided to have a little fun. I came up with this blithering blather about passive survival and how we need to talk to Usama binLaden and building a mosque at Ground Zero. I wanted to see what reaction I got from the lefties. Only problem is, you have to register at DU and many other lefty sites. I didn't want to do that because I knew someone that did it and kept getting spammed. What to do? So finally I decided to post it on a conservative blog, ScrappleFace, and let everyone beat up the lib. I chose the name, «Howie», because it just sounded like a whiny, sanctimonious liberal weenie. (Apologies to any Howards or Howells out there!)
Howie soon became a created character with a personality. Howie is arrogant, whiny, a know-it-all; he's shallow. Howie's «knowledge» is all by rote. It's all su[pe]rficial; he has his lefty views but he really hasn't a clue why. Howie doesn't believe, he «feels». When challenged on his views he doesn't defend them, he falls back on, «Presemt a neocon wiht the facts abd the tuth and recieve an ad-nominem pesonal attack in returm». His spelling is right out of public school. Oh, and Howie uses these irritating «European» quotation marks.
After the 2004 election, I decided that Howie needs a blog of his own. I looked at Typepad, but they charge; Howie was not that important to become another bill for me to pay. Finally, this past spring, I discovered Blogger and, after being urged by dean04prez to"totaly start a blog of you're own", I started this blog.
Building upon Howie's arrogance, I started comment-spamming blogs on both the right and the left. You know, "Nice blog..." This got me traffic. I got conservatives who were angry at this lib brat spamming their site; I got libs, many of whom were totally supportive of Howie's views, no matter how extreme. And I deliberately pushed the envelope on that, too. Some of the libs seemed like sincere people who just had the wrong views; nonetheless they were sincere. Others were the type where you just want to take a shower after visiting their site. I found a veritable ocean of great conservative blogs. Camojack, Josh, Beerme, many others. (See sideboard.) Sorry about the stupid comments, guys.
The puppet face. About that. There's a reason. That puppet was called Dorshock and it was on The Sandy Becker Show, a New York kids' show from the 50s and 60s that I used to watch. Dorshock's entire vocabulary was, "blah, blah, blah, blah." Suits Howie doesn't it.
So, time to put Howie away. I haven't decided whether to stay on as a conservative blog, or to shut down, but it's been fun, especially reading the great responses to Howie everyone has posted!
A big thank you goes out to the great Scott Ott of ScrappleFace and Professym Lawrence "Liberal Larry" Chomstein of BlameBush for inspiration for this project.
vignetted by hooey @ 7:07 PM Saturday, August 06, 2005
I'll refrain from saying "I told you so"...
Why'd you tip anything to me camo, you're the man lmao.
It's awesome aint it?
Why tip anything to you? Simply because, my friend, I found out at your blog...and fair's fair.
You may recall that I was never convinced that "howie" wasn't a parody.
But it was definitely a well-played farce...
Yup, I do remember. I think everyone had their suspicions, but it was great ammo for our arsenals. I personally loved calling him on his bullshit lol. It was easy, but it was fun. By the way Camo...I'm honored that you'd look at my blog before howies...I think I could tear up. :-P Thanks man. Can't wait to see the next post.
On another note...I haven't been to sleep and it's...7am...spelling comes less than well.
Whew! Now that picture doesn't scare me anymore. Thanks for that. Unfortunately, there really ARE 'howies' out there still. :o(
Get some sleep. BTW, I'll let it go this time, but I generally enforce a strict ban on foul language.
(FYI, you can use "B.S.", tho')
I'm only too happy to help...
Like I said, it was a well-played farce; it very nearly convinced me, too...which is why I had proposed getting together with him to discuss his views, to see if he was serious or not. Now we know...
Sorry, I thought you were sitting above it all looking down in shock... I should have hit you with an Email...
The Plausible Deniability… Was Cool…
In shock, me? Whatever for?! I've said many times that I doubted he was serious.
I have only been lurking over there of late, because some of the commenters were getting pretty foul, and I didn't want to have to clean up whatever they might drag back here if'n I did comment. Haven't even been doing that much lurking for the same reason. Now, however, I added a link to there from here; I had one before, but then he put up a rather raunchy link about my heart-throb Ann Coulter, so I removed it...and by the time he took it off of there, the commenters took over in the raunchy department.
The part of the whole thing I find the most amusing is the inevitable disappointment of his faithful devotees.
Like the credit card ad says: Priceless!!!
Garsh! I don't know whether to be happy or sad or amused or proud or what. There is definitely some satisfaction in being named first in Howie's (i.e., Hooey's) confession. But then... he was so fun to make fun of, wasn't he?
I mean... it's sorta like the end of an era. In a way, I hope it's not my fault that I may be depriving others of Howie.... WHAT THE HECK AM I SAYING?????
Howie... or, whatever your name is... come back from the Dark Side. If you want to do satire, then go for it. But PLEASE... try not to be so darn REALIATIC. (Frankly, it's frightening).
Uhhh.... REALITIC is (anal)ytic for REALISTIC.
Uhhh... REALITIC is really REALIATIC.
OHHHH!!! You know what I mean!
Thanks for the "heads up" howie (hooey)! I have to admit you had me fooled. In my defense though, I really think there are people out there MORE extreme than howie was!
This will give me the extra needed time to go after the other left-wing loonies. I would name them but they are TOO many to mention.
There are only so many hours in the day for "The Republican Attack Machine"!
P.S. Is it possible that gore, moore, and dean are putting us on too? ;-)
truth is freedom: As I remember, YOU were quick to come to howie's defense after Camo's comment.
Get that "log" out of your eye BEFORE you point at Camojack's "speck" in his. ;-)
He fooled you too, just as hillary, dean, and michael moron are doing to YOU right now.
Sooo...has "hooey" gone kaplooey, or is this all just phooey? I don't know what to think...
While somewhat "over the top" at times, I'd have to say you were no more so than the real thing can be at times. Again, well played! And if you're interested, we can still get together for a discussion and drinks sometime. FWIW, I think you should keep doing satire...
As you can see above, I still wouldn't mind meeting him for drinks. But he sure took you in, huh? BTW, I checked some of his back threads, and see that you mentioned me more than once...are you obsessed avec moi, or something?!
You're quite welcome, mon ami. don't let it bother you about being taken in; you were certainly not the only one, from both sides of the equation.
Do I believe this? Absolutely. I was never convinced it wasn't so. Feel free to check back threads here and elsewhere for my comments to that effect.
'da Bunny:
I hope he continues his fine work, parodying nitwits...
truth_is_freedom: I don't remember saying you were an American. Most of the people you emulate are not American either.
Funny, you did not answer my statement that howie fooled you too.
Frankly, your profile doesn't tell us much about you, not that any of us want to know much about you.
American, phrench, Germanian, England, or where ever you are from, fact is, a left-wing loonie is just that, a left-wing loonie.
Camo: Yes, I'm madly in love with you. You're a bit slow on the uptake.
I'm flattered...but are you an XX type or an XY type?
(Your profile is sadly lacking in any details)
It may be discriminatory of me, but I only go for XX types...
Camo...love it no matter what.
Of course; but there are many kinds of love...
The kind being referred to was the "madly in love" variety, though...and for that type I have very discriminating tastes.
If howie was still howie, he'd call you A Republican Bigot.
I'll just have to find a way to live with my bad self... :-)
It must have been embarrassing for certain people who posted regularly at "howie's" blog to find out they'd been had.
(I find it quite amusing, personally)
I have to agree with you about the spewing of talking points; it does get Rather tiresome, Rather quickly...
Yeah, I read this earlier, and was gonna comment, but I decided I'd Rather wait, and make sure I wasn't crazy. I just wanted to make sure I got all the facts right, Rather than coming out with something stupid, and sounding like an idiot.
And that's part of our world.
As I said previously, "howie" was no more extreme than the real thing can be at times, so it's easy to understand why folks thought he was serious.
It's Rather simple, once you get the hang of it...
I invite you to go back to before "howie" outed himself, to see just how long it's actually been since I posted there...dear.
Yes, I seem to get a lot of "copy & paste" talking points from that quarter about such nonsensical things as the infamous Downing Street Memo ("fixed around the policy", oh my!), Guantanamo (book abuse; how horrid!!!), etc. But it makes for some interesting discourse sometimes.
You know, as I do, that some of us questioned "howie's" veracity, but denial ain't no river in Africa.
Just to check myself, I reviewed some of my recent comments for evidence of my having questioned whether or not "howie" was for real; I didn't have to go too far...a couple of examples can be found in the comment on my Sunday, July 24, 2005 post: comment made July 26, 2005 1:15 PM and my Friday, July 08, 2005 post: comment made July 09, 2005 2:25 PM. Also at Josh's blog on the Friday, July 15, 2005 post: comment made 7/21/2005 8:57 PM.
But, whatever. I made stronger allegations than those at other times, but it really isn't worth the time/effort to track 'em down; I know what I said, as do you, and others.
I still find the whole thing amusing...
I think you've become my favorite "itch".
Ah, the "star" of this post/thread.
Yo! I'm still up for drinks and a discussion of your views, although apparently they are similar to my own.
Anyway, FWIW, I think you ought to keep up the satire; it's fun, and you do it well...
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