If I have to explain...
...you wouldn't understand.

President Bush hopped on a Harley-Davidson at the York, PA assembly plant on Wednesday, as he made an election year pitch for Republican stewardship of the economy...and to raise money for former Pittsburgh Steelers star Lynn Swann, who is running for Governor here.
Cheers and applause erupted inside the Harley plant when Bush straddled a high-end model painted blue and white and revved its engine again and again. Climbing down, he ripped off blue-tinted safety glasses that he insisted made him look like rock star Bono and jokingly struck a pose intended to show a hip side.
"I'm just looking so far," Bush said during a tour of the plant where 3,200 employees work around the clock on shiny motorcycles that move slowly around the assembly floor on tracks. "I'll let Josh Bolten ride these things," Bush said of his chief of staff, known as a motorcycle enthusiast.
Of course the Harley-Davidson Motor Company is well known as an American icon...as well as an American success story.
Consequently, it makes for a good example of what's right with the U.S. economy.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the country which buys the second most Harleys, after the U.S. of course, is Japan. They have also recently broken into the Chinese market. Naturally, that's just the proverbial "drop in the bucket" compared to the trade deficit, but it's a fascinating little factoid nevertheless.
I certainly enjoy riding mine...

President Bush hopped on a Harley-Davidson at the York, PA assembly plant on Wednesday, as he made an election year pitch for Republican stewardship of the economy...and to raise money for former Pittsburgh Steelers star Lynn Swann, who is running for Governor here.
Cheers and applause erupted inside the Harley plant when Bush straddled a high-end model painted blue and white and revved its engine again and again. Climbing down, he ripped off blue-tinted safety glasses that he insisted made him look like rock star Bono and jokingly struck a pose intended to show a hip side.
"I'm just looking so far," Bush said during a tour of the plant where 3,200 employees work around the clock on shiny motorcycles that move slowly around the assembly floor on tracks. "I'll let Josh Bolten ride these things," Bush said of his chief of staff, known as a motorcycle enthusiast.
Of course the Harley-Davidson Motor Company is well known as an American icon...as well as an American success story.
Consequently, it makes for a good example of what's right with the U.S. economy.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the country which buys the second most Harleys, after the U.S. of course, is Japan. They have also recently broken into the Chinese market. Naturally, that's just the proverbial "drop in the bucket" compared to the trade deficit, but it's a fascinating little factoid nevertheless.
I certainly enjoy riding mine...
I think he looks more like one of the Blues Brothers than Bono, but I understand it...
Very cool indeed. Don't have to love the man to appreciate that photo, pretty goon one.
I'll bet camo enjoys riding his, I've seen it up close and personal and it's a true beauty. Kinda like a comfy sofa with a motor but in a good way. One sweet ride!
Wasn't Harley owned by a Japanese company at one time?
GW does have fun sometimes, doesn't he? I like him.
The Secret Service has thousands of Sir no you can not do this or Sir you can not do that... Guess riding a Harley on a dyno machine with safety glasses was OK... Hope he was shopping, an ex-prez that rides a Harley would be cool...
JR, yeah it would!
I was just looking at the July 31st issue of TIME magazine at a doctor's office, and there was a picture of Bono in an article on Tony Bennett. The glasses he was wearing did look like the ones Dubya is sporting in the photo accompanying this post. I think that's what he was referring to.
My Harley is more like a recliner when I've got my feet up on the highway pegs. The passenger seat is rather like a comfy armchair, though.
Heh, heh...yes, indeed!
Harley was owned by AMF at one time, and it almost ruined them; some employees bought the company and turned it around 180º.
George does seem to have fun sometimes. I think he's earned it, he has one of the toughest jobs on the planet.
An ex-prez that rides a Harley would be cool, definitely.
The current Governor of California rides a Harley, too. Hopefully he's gone and gotten his motorcycle license by now, as well...
I stand corrected, a recliner is a much better mental picture. A heck of a machine either way!
Hey Camo,
I'm back. Stopped by earlier today to read the article but didn't have time to comment. (This job is really eating into my computer time.)
A few years back I applied for a job with Harley-Davidson, but never heard back from them. I guess they didn't someone with my many talents. If I had gotten the job, I might be riding one now.
Anyhow, God knew what was best for me. I got a new job about a year and a half ago and it's working out just fine. A competitor of the company I was working for made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
(:D) Regards...
Uhhh... the missing word is "need". See if you can find where it goes.
Yeah, a sofa's a bit wider than a recliner...but either one is comfy.
(Like my Harley)
My brother (the semi-famous motorcycle racer) was talking to the Motor Company about racing for them a few years back, but that never came to pass, either. Their loss (in both cases) I'm sure...
"George! George! Get off that thing before you hurt yourself!!"
I like the photo, got more...of the bike?
Island Girl TLA:
I've got more of myself on various bikes over the years; that's the only one I have of "Dubya" on one, though.
However, I do have some other shots of him, just not with a Harley.
I have ALWAYS enjoyed riding, but haven't lately as with so many on the road not paying attention, it gets more dangerous every day.
Also the I have found that my body doesn't heal as fast as it used to for some strange reason.
Our Governor Mitch Daniels, (to libs he is an ex Bush cronie), rides his Harley ALOT!
I'm sure he has been advised not to, but he is a lot like Bush in that he is his own man!
Bush would look right at home on that hog if he traded the suit for jeans, jacket, and a bandana.
I can't argue with you about how dangerous it can be out there, especially with all the knuckleheads yammerin' on their cell phones.
Like JR said though, the Secret Service probably wouldn't let Dubya ride a Harley while he's still in office...
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