How I spent my weekend

I finally put up a boat shed that I'd acquired in the Summer of 2005.
A number of things had prevented it going up, but they've all been dealt with...finally!
The last thing that needed doing was to level the spot where my driveway got extended several years ago, which is where I've been parking the boat ever since I got it.
This happened last week, because I saw a guy working just up the street with a backhoe, and persuaded him to come by to do the job a couple of days later.
Once that was done, there was no stopping me.
So now, my boat has a home of its own.
Here it is with the door open:

And with my boat inside:

Now I just have to install a Roll-up Door Kit.
I ordered one; I'll install it when it arrives...
I DON'T think so, you are bringing this baby to Trail Days so we can sleep in it :)
I've never seen anything like this.
I'm jealous of your boat.
Neat! My husband would like something like that to put our cars in.
Hi Jack,
Got a backpack that it'll fit into?
That appears to have gone well, congratulations.
It's not what I pictured but does look like it will do the trick pretty well.
How does that thing stand up to a stiff wind?
Cammo, this would last about 10 minutes here in Okie land. The winds that we had on Saturday at my son's graduation were enough to send a plane airborne with no engines running!! Absolutely exhausting. The commencement speaker had to take his mortar board off in frustration and many a cap went sailing across the field. But your boat home looks pretty cool and would make a dandy abode for a camping trip!! Glad that you don't live where the "wind goes sweeping down the plains".
The words big tent keep running through my mind. I know there's a joke in there somewhere, but I'll be darned if I can think of it.
(:D) Best regards...
I'll bet you really had to use a lot of breath to blow that sucker up!!
Seriously ,Ican think of many uses for that Boat Home. It's really dandy.
Does it have to have a separate Address?
Very interesting-looking structure there, Jack. What's it made of, and does it zip open/closed? Well done, getting it up in such a timely only took you three years!! ;-)
Oh no, it was hard enough to put it up; it's staying right where it is.
It would work as a garage, no doubt.
I daresay that nobody has a backpack that it'd fit into.
Thanks. It should do the job, yes.
Well, it's in a bit of a low spot, but there are a dozen anchors holding it down with ¼" steel cables...consequently, it should be pretty secure.
I was thinking of working in a reference to big tent, but didn't.
Anyway, now you have, so I can relax. ;-)
No separate address, but it is a big 'un, huh?
Steel arches every 4', connected by 5 longitudinal spars with cross braces at the corners. Yes, it zips open and closed.
Once I (finally!!!) got the ground leveled, it did go up in a pretty timely fashion, yes; less than a week, in fact...
That hut is bigger than my HUD apartment. But..I would be afraid to build that here for fear of one our Ohio cyclones tearing it to shreds.
boatshed? I can't even afford a boat.
Ms RightWing:
The boatshed is 448 square feet (14' x 32'); is your apartment smaller than that?
Tin Ma'am:
You might be surprised what you could buy, if you know where to look.
After all, you're getting a stimulus check, right?
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