South of the border... where I went for a while recently.
In fact, I was South of a number of Costa Rica.
The first place I stayed was the Hotel Santo Tomas in San José, which is the capital city:

This had been a huge mansion at one time, but has since been converted into a hotel. It was undergoing a lot of renovation when I stayed there, but my room was fine. There was a nice little restaurant in the hotel, too.
Within easy walking distance of the hotel were numerous points of interest, as one might expect in the capital of a country.
The first spot I checked out was a national park:

It wasn't a National Park along the lines of a Yellowstone or Yosemite, for example, but they do have (and I did visit) a number of those as well. More on that later.
After visiting the park, I meandered around an old part of the city:

It's actually a nice and quaint kind of place.
Eventually, I went to the national zoo:

That was also within easy walking distance of the hotel.
The Rio Torres passes through town, and runs along the zoo:

It's really a pretty little municipality.
Other than in the zoo, there's some cool wildlife:

Those guys are pretty mellow, unless you get too close.
(In which case they tend to scramble away)
OK, as previously mentioned, Arenal National Park:

I found it rather amusing that they had several signs stating that it was a "high volcanic risk" area, considering the fact that the most recent lava flow there was in 1992. I realize that's a very brief span in geological terms, but generally speaking I'd have to consider it quite safe. There is some genuine volcanic activity going on at the Poas Volcano, but I only saw that venting steam from my flight back out of the country.
Another Parque Nacional is Marino Las Baulas.
There's a Playa Grande (big beach) there:

This is a popular nesting area for sea turtles, in fact.
After the hotel stay came the resort.
Here's a view from there, looking out over the Pacific:

They had beach access a short walk from my condo.
The last Parque Nacional I went to was Monteverde:

It's called El Bosque Nuboso, which means "cloudy forest" in Inglés.
It truly is a cloudy forest, most of the time:

I think that's a pretty decent photograph, myself.
Last, but not least, I visited my "hometown":

Well, not really, but the name is very close...
Update! More pictures posted HERE.
In fact, I was South of a number of Costa Rica.
The first place I stayed was the Hotel Santo Tomas in San José, which is the capital city:

This had been a huge mansion at one time, but has since been converted into a hotel. It was undergoing a lot of renovation when I stayed there, but my room was fine. There was a nice little restaurant in the hotel, too.
Within easy walking distance of the hotel were numerous points of interest, as one might expect in the capital of a country.
The first spot I checked out was a national park:

It wasn't a National Park along the lines of a Yellowstone or Yosemite, for example, but they do have (and I did visit) a number of those as well. More on that later.
After visiting the park, I meandered around an old part of the city:

It's actually a nice and quaint kind of place.
Eventually, I went to the national zoo:

That was also within easy walking distance of the hotel.
The Rio Torres passes through town, and runs along the zoo:

It's really a pretty little municipality.
Other than in the zoo, there's some cool wildlife:

Those guys are pretty mellow, unless you get too close.
(In which case they tend to scramble away)
OK, as previously mentioned, Arenal National Park:

I found it rather amusing that they had several signs stating that it was a "high volcanic risk" area, considering the fact that the most recent lava flow there was in 1992. I realize that's a very brief span in geological terms, but generally speaking I'd have to consider it quite safe. There is some genuine volcanic activity going on at the Poas Volcano, but I only saw that venting steam from my flight back out of the country.
Another Parque Nacional is Marino Las Baulas.
There's a Playa Grande (big beach) there:

This is a popular nesting area for sea turtles, in fact.
After the hotel stay came the resort.
Here's a view from there, looking out over the Pacific:

They had beach access a short walk from my condo.
The last Parque Nacional I went to was Monteverde:

It's called El Bosque Nuboso, which means "cloudy forest" in Inglés.
It truly is a cloudy forest, most of the time:

I think that's a pretty decent photograph, myself.
Last, but not least, I visited my "hometown":

Well, not really, but the name is very close...
Update! More pictures posted HERE.
Do they have any Taco Bells there?
When I saw the first picture, I thought you were forced to sleep on the sidewalk in front of the hotel. But then I read further where you say that you actually had a room... Whew! I feel better now.
(:D) Best regards...
P.S.-- All kidding aside, you got some great pics! Looks like you had a good time. (I'm jealous)
Heh, heh...Hawkeye, if there was anyone who would sleep on the sidewalk, it'd be Jack. ;-)
Those are very nice pictures, Jack, although I must confess to having seen a few of them prior to this posting. I'm so glad that you had a good time down in Costa Rica, Mr. Travelin' Man. :-}
Great pics, thanks for sharing.
I've always heard that Costa Rica is the most travel-friendly country of the area (at least a yanquis). Now I see some of the reasons why...
Thanks for the pics!
Grant Jones:
I don't remember seeing any Taco Bells there, but there might be...I do remember seeing a KFC though, and they're both owned by the same parent company, along with Pizza Hut.
(Which I also saw down there)
I'm glad you like the pictures.
I definitely had a very good time, thanks.
(Don't be jealous; go there sometime)
I wouldn't sleep on the sidewalk unless I had to.
(Fortunately, I didn't have to)
Anyway, a "travelin' man" I am, to be sure.
I'll be posting more pictures at the usual website, soon.
Costa Rica is the most popular destination for expatriate Americans, from what I hear.
It's a lot like Hawaii in climate and environment, but much less expensive...
I love hearing of your travels, hope to travel more when I can. I don't want to rush it because that would mean that the kids are gone but when they do go, I'll travel more. Maybe to some of the places that you post!
Beautiful photography as ususal, you do have a way of framing some very nice shots!
Add me to the "jealous" list!
And I suppose it helps to have stunning subject matter but still...
I love to travel...and share my pictures, along with some commentary.
I'm glad you appreciate those.
I give a lot of credit to my li'l digital camera, but yes, I do have to frame the shots.
Also, great subject matter does indeed help...
What was the weather like? Hot?
Someday when you are old (?) you can sit back and dream dreams of all the wonderful places you have been.
Ms RightWing:
The weather was pretty hot, yes.
But someday when I'm old? Heh, I already am... ;-)
Nice pics.Never been down south much or out of the country.I did spend some time in S.Carolina though back in 64.Courtesy of the USMC.
Caught your blog here from villainous company.
Hey...welcome to my li'l corner o' the blogosphere. I'm glad you like the pictures. I'd have responded sooner, but my "confuser" has been experiencing technical difficulties...
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