Grease is the WORD...

What with gas prices increasing on a nearly daily basis, perhaps the time has come to explore wider use of "biodiesel".
Not too terribly long ago (say, last month) biodiesel was a more expensive fuel than regular unleaded gasoline. No longer. Of course, it requires a diesel engine to utilize, but lots of people have those already. The quickest, dirtiest method of using it necessitates pre-heating of some sort, because raw used cooking grease coagulates when it's cool...but if the glycerides are filtered out, it can even work in cold engines from startup. Not to mention the benefits of less pollution from emissions and the handy disposal of a waste material.
Here are a number of links to websites related to the subject/substance:
The National Biodiesel Board
Do It Yourself Biodiesel
Renewable Energy Access
Biodiesel Magazine
Pacific Biodiesel, Inc.™
Greasel (Thanks, Rich!)
I think my next truck will have a diesel engine...perhaps a new generation of Harleys will have the option, too?
Mmmm...KFC! You crack me up, my friend.
How's it going for y'all down there in Louisiana?
The soybean farmers are all behind the concept of widespread biodiesel usage, as you may already know.
Don't forget this link:
Yes, camo, the "diesel" option is looking more and more appealing. And, kajun, I didn't know about the soybean oil possibilities for use as fuel, but I am all for it.
My dad is a grain-producing farmer, growing both corn and soybeans, in IL. This disaster in N.O. has decimated the grain markets, because as you say, right now, there IS no Port of New Orleans. It's almost harvest season in Central IL, and the farmers are in a real markets for their grain combined with the astronomical fuel prices...well, you do the math!
Done deal; thanks for the tip.
'da Bunny:
I actually thought about buying a diesel truck back in 2000 when I bought my current one, but found an offer I couldn't refuse.
As for those crops, an impassable Mississippi is a BIG problem right now...
To whom it may concern:
I've turned on the word verification option. It's a bit of an annoyance, I know, but I'm tired of deleting "drive-by" spambot postings...
Sounds good now but, the big problem may be, once enough people change to the new fuel, what is to keep the manufactorers from gouging the consumer, just as it seems the oil industry is doing now?
Market pressure will force the oil and biodiesel industries to price their respective products competitively; right now, gasoline is basically the only game in most towns...
I have a feeling the Bush family is in bed with the grease producers. At least that's what I read on a left wing website!Big oil, Big grease!
Libby Gone™:
Yeah, they're a bunch of slippery characters...
Does an engine that uses biodiesel still need petroleum-based oil for the lubrication system? Or do you just throw a little grease in every once in awhile?
Did you hear the one about Canada, it has move untapped oil than Saudi???
A true or false rumor???
The tar sands in Canada have a HUGE supply, and they've recently found a way to profitably extract them. Unfortunately, it's the habitat of the petrified dinosaur, and PETPD says we won't be allowed their use. too bad, so sad...
You had me there for a second... A long second... Good One...
Or we can do nothing. See
You people don't ever look at the unintended consequences. Honest, Hard working people just trying to commit suicide in the privacy of their closed garage will be deprived of that right. They will however become obese on the fumes and hmmmmmm........
-Al Gore
Does this mean Olivia Newton John can come out of retirement and do ads for DAMNLER Chrysler?
Besides petroleum-based lubricants, we already have the synthetic variety.
Yes, as Nightwalker said, the tar sands of Canada have a lot of oil.
Petrified dinosaurs don't need no stinkin' habitat!
(But then, you knew that, huh?)
Nothing is what [the collective] we have been doing, for the most part.
Thanks for the update; please keep us posted on the situation...
Libby Gone™:
You're silly...I like that characteristic in a person.
I used to have a diesel powered auto. Got me there and back with a little noise, but without great zip.
And what is this thing I see?
What is which thing you see?
Unethical business practices?! Say it ain't so!!!
Libby Gone said: Does this mean Olivia Newton John can come out of retirement and do ads for DAMNLER Chrysler?
I would settle even for her. Anyone would be a break from Iaccoca and his "peep" snoop dogg. I wouldn't buy a Chrysler now, after seeing this immoral thug-rapper hawk them, if they cut the price in half!
P.S. mk77 said...
I won't be back
monkey boy said this on the last thread. I said that I would take bets "it" was lying, then I realized "it" probably just meant THAT thread! ;-)
You would "settle" for Olivia Newton John? I had a major crush on that little Aussie gal when I was a teenager, and still had crushes...although I don't know how she's doing nowadays. I reckon she's too old for me, anyhow...
Mrs Camojack might not like it, BUT Ms Newton-John is available as her boyfriend is still missing!
BTW, I had a crush on her myself, along with Marie Osmond, and Karen Carpenter (before her starving herself to death).
I just did a web search on Olivia Newton John...apparently she's 10 years my senior. What's this about a missing boyfriend, though?
Like yourself, I had a crush on Karen Carpenter way back when, too.
But we digress...
Do you mean Zsa Zsa's sister, Eva Gabor?
kajun: That was Ralph. Her brother was Alf (NO, not that Alf). I forget their last name.
I think she was the same actress that Andy and Barney fixed Gomer up with on The Andy Griffith Show.
When they described her to Gomer, they would only say, "She's nice, REAL NICE!
Her brother was Sid Melton who earlier played Danny Thomas's manager on "Make Roon for Daddy".
Man, am I showing my age!
camo: Here's one link to the missing bf story:
She's three years older than me, but I think I could endure that! ;-)
I'm sorry this all occurred due to my " GREASE" referrence. Maybe if I said John Travolta this DISASTER would never have happened.
Jacqlin Smith was my teenage heartthrob.......
So, this boyfriend of hers went missing fairly recently, huh?
Libby Gone™:
You're not sorry! Hee hee. Anyway, "Grease" is quite on topic for this thread.
Ewww...John Revolting!!! Another screwball Scientologist.
Ah well, de gustibus non disputandum est...
Off topic, but this far down the thread I don't think camo will mind. This link is to a opinion story in today's Indianapolis Star:
For those not familiar with the financial situation in Indianapolis, it's a long story, but the short version is, Democratic Mayor in second year of second term, has bankrupted the city in 5+ years, but thinks Indy can afford a new Colts stadium, (which BTW, he has already gotten approved), while there are firefighters and police layoffs looming, and outdated sewers to the point when we get heavy rains, raw sewage flows into reservoirs. Roads are nearly impassible, and schools have seen cuts with more to come. Also property taxes have doubled for most, like me, and tripled for some, with most to go up again next year. I said I would make it short, so let your imagination run wild and it MIGHT be close.
Anyway, the op/ed letter is right on target for New Orleans and their priority in 1971. Keep in mind, I LOVE the Colts, but with the financial situation here, I don't think it,(the new stadium), should be the priority over public safety, or education.
Kajun: Peyton and Eli Manning went down to N.O. this week. I am sure you know that was their home for many years.
I have always rooted for the Saints because I like to see the underdog win, but when Archie was there they didn't have the other pieces of the puzzle, and when they had a killer defense, they didn't have a good offense. I have seen a LOT of similarities between the Saints and the Colts over the last 20 years.
The Colts have been here since 1984, and have only had a few good years, (like 1993-1994 Jim Harbaugh, and when they had the strike and Gary Hogeboom played as a scab), until the last three years. Even then, what good is a Superbowl win if your city declines and dies?
Don't count out a new stadium for N.O. yet, I don't think congress is done with the money yet, it's only 60 billion or so right now, and I understand Senator McCain (R.I.N.O.) is going to get the other Senators to give their "WORD" that they won't add any pork to financial aid bills.
That eases my mind because all politicians are so trustworty!
RAM & Kajun:
Football stadia?! Well, I guess if they have to grease the local politicos to get 'em built, it's on topic. Sheesh...
brian GREISE (sp? don't care hate U of M) played Fute ball here in Mitch Chee Gon.
Libby Gone™:
You're really reaching now, Daddy-O!
I won't pretend to know why some people find certain others I said already:
De gustibus non disputandum est.
But yes, back on topic; I find the whole concept of using waste products to power things a most efficacious one. I certainly hope it gets put to more widespread use in the future...
The smell you get when you burn grease depends on the type of grease, and what it had been used for.
Kajun: Nah...
'Tweren't me; I never left PA this weekend.
I certainly did see a lot of my fellow motorcyclists out and about this weekend...
The poem you mention deserves wide circulation...I'm glad you liked it.
The previous comments on my blog are visible on the post pages. I have not quite figured out how to merge the two comments.
Well, I didn't see any comments there anymore, so...that's what I was going by.
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