Some kind of dope...

AP: WICHITA, Kan. - A Wichita man called 911 to report he was the victim of an armed robbery. The theft? A pound of marijuana worth about $1,100 that he had been trying to sell at his home.
The victim told police Thursday that a buyer had pulled out a sawed-off shotgun and stole the drugs.
Police brought in a drug-sniffing dog to the house and located more marijuana and drug paraphernelia.
The victim was booked into Sedgwick County jail on several charges, including possession with the intent to sell drugs.
The thief has not been found.
Like the saying goes, "why do you think they call it dope?"
Obviously this guy wasn't thinking too clearly.
(I wonder why?!)
People go to all kinds of lengths to indulge their vices; an interesting one I learned of some time ago was:
The Tennessee Pot Cave...
Yep! Gotta love the sheer stupidity! LOL
You know--or maybe not--that the flowering Cannabis Indica or Cannabis Sativa plants put off a seriously strong smell. I have no idea how he got away with it for that long with that many plants around.
What, you didn't think there were conservative old hippies? Hah!
A lot of time and effort are definitely expended trying to circumvent the rules.
Pretty much, yes.
Sheer stupidity is right. In the case of the Tennessee business, they got caught because they were stealing if they couldn't afford to pay for it, with their multi-million dollar sales.
I didn't know that, but I'm always learning new things.
As for "conservative old hippies", I did know that...
Reminds me of the guy who stuck up a liquor store but left his wallet on the check-out counter. Didn't take long to catch him either.
(:D) Regards...
Stupidity knows no lower limit.
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