Are you ready for some football?!

The regular season began last weekend, but the 2996 Project took precedence.
Every part of the country has a "local" team, although all of the New England States have to share the Patriots.
While not every State has its own team, some States have several, like California, Florida, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
Which team one decides to call their own may vary. There are those who are originally from somewhere else, who still root for their former home team, and others who simply choose to prefer a different team than the "local" one.
In any case, a good game is hard to is a good team, although as former NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle once said:
"On any given Sunday, any team in the NFL can beat any other."
Of course, that was before they came up with Monday Night Football...
I've often said, "Football could be wiped from the face of the earth, and it would not affect my life in any way (except not having to hear my friend Don go on and on and on and on about the pathetic Lions)." (Who lost on Sunday, of course.)
Carry on.....
Football is a wonderful game, Marge! It's a wonderful metaphor for life, with it's "one step forward, two steps back" character and the always open possibility of a "hail Mary" on all of our horizons.
Now the Lions, that's another story...
I absolutely LOVE Super Bowl Sunday...they should make it a holiday giving us that Monday to sleep off the EFFECTS from the GREATEST football day EVER.
Football is the only professional sport I find interesting enough to watch regularly, and I only watch "my" team's games as a rule. There are exceptions to the rule, but not often.
But if your friend Don goes "on and on and on and on" about it, I guess those feelings of apathy (antipathy?) that you profess might be justified.
Football is always exciting, because you never know what's gonna happen next.
Baseball has its moments, but if a "pitcher's duel" occurs, it can be pretty boring. Basketball is a lot of running back and forth with a lot of scoring, whereas Hockey is a lot of skating back and forth with very little scoring.
Island Girl TLA:
Super Bowl Sunday is almost obligatory...regardless of which two teams make it there each season.
Well Camo, you know whom I root for and, needless to say Sunday was a pretty normal (read tremdously dissapointing) day as many are. Football and baseball, sometimes hockey (near the end of the season)
Go Phillies!
Spousal Unit is a die-hard Vikings fan....they got lucky yesterday. Personally, give me our local college ball any day...tho' I can always be lured into watching one or both of the Manning boys!
There are a few teams I watch to Lose and even fewer teams I watch to win... What I really love to watch is the second half adjustments that are made to win the game... Last years Super bowl was all just second half adjustments which allowed a lousy team to win because it had better coaches...
Never been much of a football fan, but I may have to start following the 2-0 Chargers now that I'm in San Diego County. I have a feeling that it will be much easier to sit and watch a football game when it's 70 degrees, than while sitting at Soldier Field in Chicago watching the Bears LOSE in sub-zero wind chills!! :-(
Yes, they blew what...a 17 point lead or something?
As for the Phillies, even if they get a wildcard slot, they have no chance.
I caught that bit of Vikings luck when they showed the highlights from around the league yesterday.
Regarding college ball, I only ever catch the "Bowl" games, and even that's rare.
I'd have to say that your brother is indeed a Kansas City fan because he lives there; nothing wrong with that.
There is a team I watch to lose: Dallas.
America's team? Says who?! I don't remember having a chance to vote on that.
Aren't the Redskins 0-2? I'm guessing from your comment the Panthers are, too.
About the hockey thing, that is the least professional of sports, IM[NS]HO.
'da Bunny:
I've sat in a cold stadium while it was snowing, but since I'll be in the right State at the right time, I have been contemplating going to the Pro Bowl.
(I really doubt it'll be cold...)
My Buccaneers seem unable to beat anybody on any given Sunday. 'Course, the season's still young.
And what is going on with the Eagles? Will someone explain that the "Prevent" defense prevents the team using it from winning? Gad! The Eagles have been dying with that since Joe Kuharich!
Speaking of the Buccaneers and Eagles, there was this 42-0 blowout last season...but that was on a Monday night.
Sorry Camo, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to know that I'm a Giants fan. Have been ever since the days of Joe Pisarcik's fumble.
I came in from working out in the yard this last Sunday when my daughter called and asked if I knew the score of the game (she's as big a fan as I am). Turned on the TV and told her the Giants were down by 3 points with only a couple of minutes to go. Wouldn't you know they would tie with 7 seconds on the clock and go on to win in OT? Unbelievable!
Called my daughter and we both cheered a victory.
(:D) Regards...
"Which team one decides to call their own may vary."
But speaking of that game, what a difference a quarter makes...
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