Get your motor running...

Well, gas prices are going down, but so are temperatures hereabouts. I rode to work yesterday, and do so every day it's going to be above freezing and without rain. But those days will be ending soon, at least for this year. Where's that global warming when you want it, anyway?
Speaking of gas prices, although I do get better fuel economy with my motorcycle, I would caution those who may be considering buying one for themselves against doing so for that reason alone. Why? For all intents and purposes, when you're on a motorcycle, you become invisible to other motorists. At least, that seems to be the case, since they always say "I never saw you!" when they do something stupid. Consequently, it can truly be a matter of life or death to acquire defensive driving skills to the "Nth" degree.
I would advise anyone contemplating the purchase of a motorcycle to take the motorcycle safety course which is offered in every State, and sanctioned by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
OK, I'll get down off the "soapbox" now; time to get on my bad motor scooter and ride...