Hit & run!

Not too terribly long ago I lost a cousin (and her boyfriend) because someone pulled out right in front of them on U.S. 1 in Philly from a side street.
I myself was nearly killed in '96 (no) thanks to a pickup truck who cut right in front of me and then locked up his brakes. In fact, I had to endure surgery on this magnificent brain due to that incident. A lot of people may not realize this, but the stopping distance for a motorcycle is much longer than a vehicle with 4 (or more) wheels on the ground.
Just about invariably, the people who do these things claim to have never seen their victim(s) until it was too late.
I know of a lot of people who don't ride anymore, because it's too dangerous. I cannot say that I blame them, but it sure seems unfair that in most instances, the people who commit these crimes get away with them.
It seems to me that the driving test is way too easy, since so many motor vehicle operators seem to be barely in control at any given time.
The penalties for these things are obviously insufficient...