Once upon a time...
...there was a set of buildings:

At the time of their completion in the early 1970's, the twin towers were the tallest buildings on Earth. Ultimately however, world records notwithstanding, they were only that...buildings.
As nearly everyone knows, these mere buildings were destroyed as a result of having commercial airliners flown into them.
Of course, there was another building struck by a commercial airliner that day, although that one was not completely destroyed:

Buildings can be replaced with new ones, and although some cynical folks might say the same is true of people, the innocent people who died on September 11, 2001 were all unique individuals with personalities all their own. They were just a bunch of people who had come to work that day, never knowing it would be their last.
I have written on this subject previously:
2006 - Jeanette...
2007 - Dwelling on the past...
2008 - Don't forget...
The first one was on behalf of The 2,996 Project:
A Tribute to the Victims of 9-11-01
In this era of limited attention spans and sound "bites", I think it is paramount that we do not allow ourselves to forget. Ever.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
-George Santayana
I am currently in Europe on vacation, and just got access to the Internet; apparently I have been assigned by the 2,996 Project to commemorate Vanavah Alexi Thompson. Of course, I did not know this individual, so I will defer to those who did know him, or at least know his daughter:
Vanavah was my cousin. I was his baby-sitter for some time after he was born. He was a pleasure to know and love. I have pictures of Vanavah and my kids, Ronsheeka and Raionalto, and I look at them often. I know he is in heaven just singing and playing music, the way he loved to do. Vanavah, you will always be loved and missed.
*** Posted by DAWN F. HARTE on 2008-09-15 ***
I am Vanavah's cousin and I miss and love my cousin. He was a sweet person with a great spirit and a beautiful heart.... He will never be forgotten!
*** Posted by Ronsheeka Harte on 2008-09-11 ***
I do not know Vanavah, but I know his daughter, Nia Thompson. I am one of her teachers in Elementary School. Vanavah would be so proud of the beautiful young lady that she has grown to be. She will always remember him, but he can rest assured in heaven that she will be the beacon of light that he meant for her to be. Nia will forever be loved by all.
*** Posted by vhusamudeen on 2007-09-11 ***
I am the mother of Vanavah's only child Nia Thompson. I try not to think about 9/11 because it's just too hard. I get all choked up and can't breathe. I end up crying for hours. I just want to say I miss you so much it hurts. I mean it hurts so bad. Unbelievable grief. Your daughter talks about you almost all the time. If not a memory, a show or something that comes across her mind that leads to you. We miss you, and we love you Vanavah. You're in our hearts forever. I can't even type no more, with tears flowing all over the keyboard. I miss you dearly.
*** Posted by Frauliene Lyte on 2006-07-28 ***
I am Nia Thompson's Big Sister from Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Nia is a wonderful, beautiful, bright, and energetic young lady. I did not meet Nia until after her father passed away, so I never knew Vanavah. I have grown to know him from her stories and memories of him. Vanavah lives on on in Nia's stories and memories of her Dad and in her being. She loves music, just like her Dad did, and she loves to sing - just like her Dad. He is greatly missed, but Nia carries Vanavah's memory on.
*** Posted by Mady Dersch on 2004-06-18 ***
Those comments are from the 9-11 Heroes website.
This stuff never fails to bring me to tears...

At the time of their completion in the early 1970's, the twin towers were the tallest buildings on Earth. Ultimately however, world records notwithstanding, they were only that...buildings.
As nearly everyone knows, these mere buildings were destroyed as a result of having commercial airliners flown into them.
Of course, there was another building struck by a commercial airliner that day, although that one was not completely destroyed:

Buildings can be replaced with new ones, and although some cynical folks might say the same is true of people, the innocent people who died on September 11, 2001 were all unique individuals with personalities all their own. They were just a bunch of people who had come to work that day, never knowing it would be their last.
I have written on this subject previously:
2006 - Jeanette...
2007 - Dwelling on the past...
2008 - Don't forget...
The first one was on behalf of The 2,996 Project:
A Tribute to the Victims of 9-11-01
In this era of limited attention spans and sound "bites", I think it is paramount that we do not allow ourselves to forget. Ever.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
-George Santayana
I am currently in Europe on vacation, and just got access to the Internet; apparently I have been assigned by the 2,996 Project to commemorate Vanavah Alexi Thompson. Of course, I did not know this individual, so I will defer to those who did know him, or at least know his daughter:
Vanavah was my cousin. I was his baby-sitter for some time after he was born. He was a pleasure to know and love. I have pictures of Vanavah and my kids, Ronsheeka and Raionalto, and I look at them often. I know he is in heaven just singing and playing music, the way he loved to do. Vanavah, you will always be loved and missed.
*** Posted by DAWN F. HARTE on 2008-09-15 ***
I am Vanavah's cousin and I miss and love my cousin. He was a sweet person with a great spirit and a beautiful heart.... He will never be forgotten!
*** Posted by Ronsheeka Harte on 2008-09-11 ***
I do not know Vanavah, but I know his daughter, Nia Thompson. I am one of her teachers in Elementary School. Vanavah would be so proud of the beautiful young lady that she has grown to be. She will always remember him, but he can rest assured in heaven that she will be the beacon of light that he meant for her to be. Nia will forever be loved by all.
*** Posted by vhusamudeen on 2007-09-11 ***
I am the mother of Vanavah's only child Nia Thompson. I try not to think about 9/11 because it's just too hard. I get all choked up and can't breathe. I end up crying for hours. I just want to say I miss you so much it hurts. I mean it hurts so bad. Unbelievable grief. Your daughter talks about you almost all the time. If not a memory, a show or something that comes across her mind that leads to you. We miss you, and we love you Vanavah. You're in our hearts forever. I can't even type no more, with tears flowing all over the keyboard. I miss you dearly.
*** Posted by Frauliene Lyte on 2006-07-28 ***
I am Nia Thompson's Big Sister from Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Nia is a wonderful, beautiful, bright, and energetic young lady. I did not meet Nia until after her father passed away, so I never knew Vanavah. I have grown to know him from her stories and memories of him. Vanavah lives on on in Nia's stories and memories of her Dad and in her being. She loves music, just like her Dad did, and she loves to sing - just like her Dad. He is greatly missed, but Nia carries Vanavah's memory on.
*** Posted by Mady Dersch on 2004-06-18 ***
Those comments are from the 9-11 Heroes website.
This stuff never fails to bring me to tears...