You oughta be in pictures...

(A.K.A. "Moving scenery")
I really haven't even bothered to attend a casting call since '97...a year in which I worked on several movies.
Consequently, when the time comes for this Screen Actors Guild member to vote on the Screen Actors Guild Awards, I abstain...not feeling as though I'm actually qualified to do so.
(Not that it stops some voters)
But the production companies don't know that, and as I have said, at this time of the year I'm given the opportunity to see films that are under consideration for the awards, paid for by those very same production companies.
Now I've received a free DVD in the mail, for a film that is no longer in the theaters, called "Crash". According to the information I could find in a quick internet search, here is the synopsis:
A Brentwood housewife and her D.A. husband. A Persian store owner. Two police detectives who are also lovers. An African-American television director and his wife. A Mexican locksmith. Two car-jackers. A rookie cop. A middle-aged Korean couple. They all live in Los Angeles. And during the next 36 hours, they will all collide.
The DVD came with the following message, on an enclosed card:
"Since CRASH is no longer playing in theaters, we have enclosed a viewing copy on DVD so you may watch the film at your leisure. Thank you for your consideration."
Hey, at least I get something for my union dues.
HERE is a link to a story about it...
(Tip o' the 'do rag to JR)
Late breaking news!
AP: LOS ANGELES - Screen Actors Guild (awards)...the ensemble drama "Crash" pulled off an upset win over "Brokeback Mountain" for the overall cast award.
Cool. Looks like it didn't need my vote...