Write on!!!

There's an easy thing that anyone can do to boost morale in Iraq: send email.
You're doing that regularly anyway, right?
I first found out about the "RCT-6 Email Project" at BLACKFIVE; their latest post about it is HERE.
Then I read about it again at Villainous Company.
The following is a sample template (originally posted as a comment at BLACKFIVE) to help get started:
Dear Marine,
My name is _________________ and I'm writing to you from _______. I hope I don't say the wrong thing; it's hard to put myself into your shoes (or boots.) But I'll stumble through this because you need to know: I'm grateful for your service to this country. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to do what you do.
We don't know each other so I'll tell you a little about myself. Every day I go to X and I X. (Insert opinion of X here). My X and X live with me and I wish you could see them. They are so X. (Insert story?) Anyways, I thought you'd like that little glimpse of the country you so faithfully protect.
You are in my thoughts/prayers. What you are doing is important. I look forward to the day you can come victoriously home, but until then take care, keep doing a great job, and remember that America is proud of you.
Warmest wishes,
Why not do it right now?
Send email to RCT-6lettersfromh@gcemnf-wiraq.usmc.mil
Or, if you wouldn't mind registering, comment at their blog:
Fightin' 6th Marines!
The Fightin' 6th Marines would love to hear from you...