I've got another idea:
STICK IT!!!"Big Brother" laws are
unconstitutional...reminiscent of Nazism, Fascism, Socialism.
(Choose your "Ism")
Y'know, a "nanny state".
I have a (bad?) habit of flipping off those seatbelt signs, particularly when I'm riding my Harley. I'm wondering how long it will be before some "rocket scientist" figures out how to make me wear a seatbelt on my motorcycle.
Having recently returned from a vacation in New Hampshire, I thought I'd mention that according to my research they were the last holdout in the National Seatbelt Law "contest". Something consistent with their State Motto: "Live Free or Die".
(A friend of mine recently related a humorous paraphrase of that,
"Live, freeze and die". Having experienced 32º Farenheit temperatures atop Mt. Washington in June, it makes sense to me. But I digress. I do that sometimes)
As for mandatory seatbelt laws, a number of people have something to say about them.
Some highlights follow...
"Click it or ticket" by Walter Williams
Virginia's secretary of transportation sent out a letter announcing the state's annual "Click It or Ticket" campaign May 22 through June 4. I responded to the secretary of transportation with my own letter that in part reads:
"Mr. Secretary: This is an example of the disgusting abuse of state power. Each of us owns himself, and it follows that we should have the liberty to take risks with our own lives but not that of others. That means it's a legitimate use of state power to mandate that cars have working brakes because if my car has poorly functioning brakes, I risk the lives of others and I have no right to do so. If I don't wear a seatbelt I risk my own life, which is well within my rights. As to your statement 'Lack of safety belt use is a growing public health issue that . . . also costs us all billions of dollars every year,' that's not a problem of liberty. It's a problem of socialism. No human should be coerced by the state to bear the medical expense, or any other expense, for his fellow man. In other words, the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another is morally offensive." My letter went on to tell the secretary that I personally wear a seatbelt each time I drive; it's a good idea. However, because something is a good idea doesn't necessarily make a case for state compulsion. The justifications used for "Click It or Ticket" easily provide the template and soften us up for other forms of government control over our lives...
Read the whole article here"Seatbelt Laws, Profiling and Restoring Liberty" by William J. Holdorf
State mandatory seatbelt harness laws are unconstitutional. They infringe on a person’s individual rights as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, namely, the Fourth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments.
Such laws are an unwarranted intrusion by government into the personal lives of citizens; denies through prior restraint the right to determine a person’s own individual personal safety and health care standards for one’s own body, the ultimate private property, and forcefully, under threat, mandates the personal opinion of those in government.
Also, the use of a seatbelt is no real guarantee of safety. While some people might be saved in certain kinds of traffic accidents using a seatbelt,
there is ample evidence that in other kinds of accidents some people have been more seriously injured and even killed only because of seatbelt use. Further, there is ample evidence that in certain kinds of accidents, some people have been saved from death only because a seatbelt was not used. It should be fully noted in the latter case, such a person is subject to a fine for not dying in the accident using a so-called safety device arbitrarily chosen by politicians...
Read the whole article hereNow we have advertisements,
paid for by our tax dollars, informing us that our police forces will not be protecting us from or catching criminals. No. They will be on highways and byways, pulling over taxpayers to issue them another tax in the form of a ticket.
Don't you feel better now?!
My fellow Americans, we should all be up in arms over this law, as we should have been over the helmet laws for adult motorcycle riders. But keep sleeping and it will all be over soon.
LYCFYG (love your country, fear your government)
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