(C & O at Whites Ferry)I have been
slowly bicycling 20-30 mile sections of the
C & O Canal Towpath for a few years now, starting at the Western terminus in Cumberland, MD and working my way along the Potomac River towards t'other end in Washington D.C.
This coming weekend (August 19-20) the plan is to do
another section. I left off at
Whites Ferry the last time, so that's where I'll be starting this time 'round. The ferry can be used to cross over to the Leesburg, VA area...and it's particularly inexpensive for bicycles. Whites Ferry is the only working ferry on the Potomac, and an overall nifty place. It is also a convenient access point, about ½ mile from C & O milepost
I'll be camping for the night at the
Swain's Lock hiker/biker campsite, which is at about mile
16.6. The following day I turn around and go back to my starting point.
About the C & O Canal; it was quite a feat of engineering in its day, but was rendered obsolete by railroads. It makes a nice, scenic place to get some
recreation nowadays, however.
This trip will require me to drive approximately 160 miles from my rambling estate in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Anyone within range who's interested, feel free to join me, either for the ride or at the campsite.
I always look forward to these trips...
(Some caves in spots along there, too)
Update! Well, I'm back; a good time was had by all.
Upon our return, we took a ferryboat ride:

A perfect ending to the trip...